Tania Cazin to present at Digital by Dallas: Forgetting Google
Tania will be our opening speaker for fellow Canadian and keynote Duane Forrester at our "Forgetting Google" event. In this...

Duane Forrester to Keynote Digital by Dallas: Forgetting Google
Digital by Dallas: Forgetting Google a collection of digital marketing talks centered around anything but SEO is being held on...

Kevin Adams To Speak at Digital by Dallas: Digital Advertising
Kevin Adams will be an opening speaker for Dennis Yu at our event, Digital Advertising, next week. Kevin is a...

Digital by Dallas Scholarship Announcement
We're excited to announce the establishment of a scholarship to help College Students studying Advertising, Marketing, Public Relations, or Business...

Keynote Announcement: Dennis Yu
We're excited to announce that our January 2017 event, Digital Advertising, will be keynoted by the legendary Dennis Yu. The...

Digital by Dallas 2017 Schedule
2016 was the first year of the Digital by Dallas event series at SMU sponsored by SMU CAPE. The events...

Charity Selected for Get Local Event
One of our main goals at Digital by Dallas is to bring awareness to and raise funds for a local...

The Get Local Speakers Are Awesome
Our last event of 2016 will be on October 24th at SMU. The event, Get Local, will bring in local...

Kerry Dean to Keynote Digital by Dallas: Get Local
Digital by Dallas: Get Local is coming up next month on October 24th, 2016. The event will be keynoted by...